Tuesday, 19 November 2024

ASTHRA Exhibition 2024


Arts, Science, Technology, Handicrafts Research Activities (ASTHRA) Exhibition 2024


Sadhana Divas (Eknathji Jayanti)

On Tuesday, the 19th November 2024, our Vidyalaya organised an Arts, Science, Technology, Handicrafts and Research Activities - Exhibition (ASTHRA 2024) to commemorate the birth anniversary (as Sadhana Divas) of our ‘Mananeeya Sri. Eknathji, the founder of Vivekananda Kendra & Vivekananda Rock Memorial, Kanyakumari. On this occasion, the Hon'ble Member of Parliament, A & N Islands, Shri. Bishnu Pada Roy was our chief guest along with other dignitaries as guests. He inaugurated the exhibition by unveiling a floral garland followed by lighting the lamp and offering flowers to Swami Vivekananda and Sri. Eknathji’s portraits. Then he enlightened us with his valuable and breathtaking words about Eknathji’s contribution to the society and briefed about his vision. Later, the Chief Guests and other dignitaries visited our exhibition and interacted with students. He appreciated the efforts of students and teachers along with the parents for the efforts put on to showcase this wonderful event. All together 92 models were showcased by our students with great zeal and enthusiasm. Hundreds of visitors like Headmasters, teachers, students of other vidyalayas, parents and general public visited and interacted with our students. The programme ended at 1:00 p.m.                                                                                                                


Thursday, 14 November 2024

Children's Day Celebration

Children's Day Celebration   


Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Hut Bay celebrated ‘Children’s Day’ with great vehemence, to commemorate the Birth Anniversary of ‘Pandit JawaharLal Nehru’.  On this occasion, we had a cultural programme, in which the students performed their dances and sang melodious songs. Teachers and students paid floral tribute to Nehru Ji’s portrait. We had two speeches also. Through the speeches, children better understood about our first Prime Minister, ‘Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’, who is known for his persistent efforts in increasing awareness of the rights, care and education of children. The programme ended with sweet distribution.


Saraswati Puja Celebration

Saraswati Puja Celebration: A Day of Knowledge and Innovation        On Monday, February 3 rd  2025 , our vidyalaya enthusiastically celebra...